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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Kahikatea Fun Day

Well what to begin with because this day was so fun,sad,interesting,stupid
and most things inbetween. It started out with a nice,calm movie.
Mr Howard so happend to have a movie because constible emily forgot
to bring a movie. the film we watched was Diary of a WIMPY kid and it
seemed to put the main charicters Greg and Rowley in constant dander
and bad things were happening all around. I hated how Rowley was all ways
in trouble,like when he got his arm broken or when he had to say sorry to
the kindergartiners for something that Greg did but over all it was a good
film and i wish we saw the whole film. We had to go to Indoor Action
sports by bus and I had a wonderful conversation with Kini and Nahum
when we were waiking into Indoor Action sports arena I felt like I was
going to be EXECUTED and I got relly sceared when the guy who was
telling us what to do only had one arm like Freddy cruger befour he was a
horrer movie charecter.I was looking ford to doge ball at the end of all the
other games. What I keeped on saying was,STOP TOKOTAI DON'T LET
HIM GET ANOTHER GOAL.When we finaly played doge ball and I had 
 my little plan ready, the only problem was while I was thinking I got hit
in my upper leg. THE END.   

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